Saturday, August 28, 2010


Yesterday, about 11:30 a.m., as I began driving from my apartment in Newcastle to the rehearsal of the Sophisticated Swing big band in Redmond, I experienced a little dizziness and blurred vision. I attributed this to 'hunger pangs', as I had not eaten breakfast but had had two cups of coffee. My solution: eat a bite before rehearsal so I was no longer hungry.

This I did; I had a cinnamon pastry with coffee there, and proceeded to set up my horns, help set up chairs, get my music stand up and ready, then warm up the lips a little with some light blowing in the green room.

But by rehearsal time - 1:00 p.m. - I was visibly ill.  My skin was damp and clammy, my vision was blurred, I felt nauseous, and I headed to the bathroom .... just in case.

While in the bathroom nothing happened and I started to believe that I could play, so out to the bandstand I went.  On the way, though, I was really getting dizzy, so when I got to my seat I took leave of the others and laid down at the back of the stage.  Not a minute or so later and I needed to barf!

My friend and fellow trumpet instrumentalist, Dr. Elmer Green, was at my side and brought me a trashcan with a liner in it. Excellent!! I proceeded to attempt  to fill it to the brim with the continually souring intestinal fluids (what little there was, having not eaten much that day so far) that were in my stomach and insisting on coming out.

I had the presence of mind to dial my son's home and ask him to bring another driver and come get me.  Instead, Elmer had them call 911 and send an Aide Car for me.  That was a very good choice, as I'd have been continuously sick and barfing had I tried to just go home with Richard.

At Overlake ER, they diagnosed me with Vertigo (and yes, I had visions of Kim Novak and Jimmy Stewart in my mind's eye!)  and began to feed me a saline solution to rehydrate me, along with some meds to calm the dizzying effect.

At five p.m. they released me and Richard took me to his home, where I ate some and we watched a series I like.

After arriving back at my apartment, I've slept since about 9:00 last evening until 1:00 today. Then I got up and took my morning meds and went promptly back to sleep.

It's now about 6:15 and I just ate a bite and am ready to lie on the sofa again and nap.  I'm so Very, Very tired! But no longer dizzy.

The part we don't know is: WHY did I suffer from vertigo?  What was the cause? How do I prevent it from  occurring again?  We know none of these answers.

But of one thing I am sure: I told the nurses in the ER repeatedly that my cremation already prepaid!


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