Sunday, April 3, 2011

BOOKS BY "D.M. MURDOCK" - aka: Acharya S.

Two books I've recently completed are by the aforementioned Acharya S. - a comparative religion scholar of some renown and a Bible critic par excellence.  The first is entitled "Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection" and details the numerous coincidences between the Jesus story as told in the New Testament (NT) of the Bible, and the older - by several millennia! - stories of Horus, related in The Pyramid Texts, The Coffin Texts, The Book of the Dead and as depicted on the walls of the ancient Egyptian pyramids and other construction. Again, these stories predate the writing of the NT (the exact dating, of which, is the subject of much continuing debate) by hundreds of years to thousands of years.  The second is "The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold." Note: not "Told", as the Christians are wont to say; but "Sold", as it really should be noted. And that's "Sold", as in a "bill of goods". "Sold", as a tall tale to gullible illiterates who didn't know that the myths had been around for millennia before the hucksters decided to make them Canaanite instead of Egyptian.

The first mentioned tome details, in nearly 600 pages of well documented research, with the nearly line by line theft of the Egyptian myths by the early writers of the Christ myth. She shows how the Biblical myth is taken word for word from the ancient Egyptian texts, then nuanced or modified or explained away in a fashion that makes these tales seem "new" and "inspired".  They ARE inspired - just as any lie is an "inspired" version of the truth! 

Her thesis is the "Mythicist Position," which concludes that "As a major example of the Mythicist position, it is determined that various biblical characters such as Adam and Eve, Satan, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, King David, Solomon and Jesus Christ, among other entities, in reality represent mythological figures along the same lines as the Egyptian, Sumerian, Phoenician, Indian, Greek, Roman and other godmen, who are all presently accepted as myths, rather than historical figures." She concurs with noted mythologist Joseph Campbell that "myth has a very real purpose and meaning, which is in reality depreciated when removed from its context and placed into "history"."

As for The Christ Conspiracy, it should suffice to quote some of what is in the book's introduction.

Concerning how most people become involved in their 'faith', she says:

"...Born in a Protestant land, we are of that faith. If we had opened our eyes to the light under the shadows of St. Peter's in Rome, we should have been devout Catholics; born in the Jewish quarter of Alepp, we should have condemned Christ as an impostor; in Constantinople, we should have cried 'Allah il Allah, God is great and Mahomet is his prophet!' Birth, place and education give us our faith. Few believe in any religion because they have examined the evidences of its authenticity, and made up a formal judgment, upon weighing the testimony.Not one man in ten thousand knows anything about the proofs of his faith. We believe what we are taught; and those are most fanatical who know least of the evidences on which their creed is based." (as quoted from Albert Pike: The Morals and Dogma of Scottish Rite Freemasonry.) (italics mine: gb)

Quoting anthropologist Jules Henry, "Organized religion, which likes to fancy itself the mother of compassion, long ago lost its right to that claim by its organized support of organized cruelty." She continues, "To deflect the horrible guilt off the shoulders of their own faith, religionists have pointed to supposedly secular ideologies such as Communism and Nazism as oppressors and murders of the people. However, few realize or acknowledge that the originators of Communism were Jewish (Marx, Lenin, Hess, Trotsky) and that the most overly violent leaders of both bloody movements were Roman Catholic (Hitler, Mussolini, Franco) or Eastern Orthodox Christian (Stalin), despotic and intolerant ideologies that breed fascistic dictators."

Supported by a solid packed 430 plus pages of erudite scholarship, she supports with detailed argument the chapters of her books, some of which are named "The Holy Forgery Mill", and "Further Evidence of a Fraud", and "The Disciples are the Signs of the Zodiac", and "The Patriarchs and Saints are the Gods of Other Cultures" and even throwing in "The Bible, Sex and Drugs" and finally "The Making of a Myth." 

These books are filled with references of some of the best Biblical scholars of all time - from the early Church "fathers" and their apologetic attempts to justify their take on the ancient myths they were touting as "inspired by God" to some of the most respected names in religious exposition; such as: John Allegro; Baigent and Leigh; William Bramley; Joseph Campbell; Lloyd Graham; Kersey Graves: Graham Hancock; Burton Mack; Elaine Pagels; Zecharia Sitchin; Merlin Stone; Barbara Walker; GA Wells; Ian Wilson; Robert Armour; C.K. Barrett; John Bell; John Henry Blunt; G. Johannes Botterweck; James Henry Breasted; E.A. Wallis Budge; Edward Carpenter; Walter Richard Cassels; the Catholic Encyclopedia; John Dominic Crossan; Thomas Doane; Earl Doherty; Raymond O. Faulkner; Edward Gibbon; Gary Greenberg; James Patrick Holding; Karen L. King; Barbara S. Lesko; Gerald Massey; G.R.S. Mead; Thomas Paine; W.M. Flinders Petrie: Robert M. Price; Madanjeet Singh; John Anthony West; and a hundred or more other noted scholars.

Opposing this scholarship is the Christian's mindless rant: "God Said It; I Believe It; End of Discussion." The only, ONLY, proof of the historicity of the Bible is in the Bible itself; and as we well know from our study of logic, a maxim cannot prove itself. There are literally hundreds of verifiable, provable, confirmable reasons to disbelieve the writings of the Bible as either Holy or Inspired; there is no valid argument in favor of these writings, except the belief of those who have compartmentalized their minds so they no longer question either the source nor the logic of their favorite myth.

And that is exactly what the Bible is: myth and fable, a monkey dressed up in a silk suit.


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